Golf is a dangerous recreational activity, which could result in serious physical harm to a player if each player does not exercise personal care for their own safety and the safety of others
Therefore, by your participation you accept the inherent risks of possible injury or harm associated with this activity and Eumundi Golf Farm, its owner and staff accept no responsibility for any injury that may result in playing at the Eumundi Golf Farm facilities.
As a condition of entry, you agree to abide by the following safety rules, etiquette and good behaviour in addition to all verbal and posted instructions:
Rules applicable to all areas
Players are responsible for the safety of others around them and should always check their surroundings before swinging a club.
Players must not; intentionally hit over or away from the target; do trick shots or run up shots.
Players must act with consideration for other players and refrain from behaviour which could affect the enjoyment of other players: including the use of bad language; aggressive behaviour; and hitting up on other players.
Adults and carers are responsible for children and other people under their supervision.
All patrons are responsible for their own personal property, and we will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to property
Pitch and Putt Rules
All rounds must start from first tee, unless otherwise agreed.
Green Fees must be paid before commencement of each round.
Do not play until all players in front have left the green and have exited to the next tee.
Stand at a safe distance from the person playing a pitching shot.
Do not stand directly behind or close to the back of a player teeing off.
Never go ahead of the tee box until all players in the group have played their first shot.
Avoid standing ahead of any player when they are playing a shot.
Any ball in flight in danger of hitting other please shout ‘FORE’ loudly and indicate the direction of the stray ball.
Exercise caution when attempting to retrieve balls from water hazards.
Maximum of four players per group.
Tee shots must only be hit from the designated teeing mats.
Balls that come to rest in or beyond garden beds must be moved to the designated drop zones (white painted square) and will incur a one-shot penalty.
Children under the age of ten must use the provided soft balls unless specifically exempted by Eumundi Golf Farm staff, and if so exempted is responsible for the safety of others.
Beginner golfers also have the option of using the soft balls that are provided.
Course Driving range rules
Players must only hit in designated tee areas. For example, off designated mats and designated grass tee areas.
Players must not walk a safe distance behind a player swinging a club to avoid any injury from the club.
Players must not walk in front of the tee area at any time, for example balls or tees in the field must not be collected.
Short Game Range rules
Players must only chip from designated chipping mats.
To avoid the possibility of injury, players must not retrieve balls once hit, unless there are no other players using the short game range.
Golf simulator rules
Only one player may hit in the golf simulator at any one time.
Whilst one player is hitting on the golf simulator all other persons must be behind the trackman or in designated seating areas.
When entering the golf simulator through the studio door, always ensure that nobody is hitting before entering, to avoid the possibility of injury.
General Etiquette
No running on the course.
Slow players must allow faster groups to play through at the earliest opportunity.
No player shall play until players in the group in front are out of range.
Vacate the green as quickly as possible after you have completed a hole.
Replace flag in the hole after completing each hole.
Crossing or climbing over boundary fences into adjoining land is strictly forbidden.
Please refrain from aggressive behaviour and/or the use of foul language when playing the course.
Children under 12 must be kept under control at all times, and be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Unacceptable Behaviours
Any of the following behaviours will result in a player or group being asked to leave the course.
Aggressive or threatening behaviour towards Eumundi Golf Farm staff or other players.
Anyone intoxicated by drink or drugs will be refused to play.
Irresponsible hitting of golf balls into adjoining properties that could endanger others.
Deliberate and malicious damage to green surfaces.
The jamming of hired Golf Clubs into the ground to stand them up while playing a shot.
Theft of hired clubs.